Game Update 1.01 released 8am EST!

Blood Alloy: Reborn

Become a hyper-agile, cybernetic machine of robot death in an ultra-fast 2D acrobatic shooter/slasher. Boost, slice and shoot your way to the top of the score rankings in Blood Alloy: Reborn, rendered in glorious cyberpunk pixels upon a pulsing synthwave soundtrack.

Hey guys, just pushed out a patch to the game. There was a save-file corruption bug that was happening if you impatiently hammered the enter/start key after dying to quickly restart - apparently sometimes that would interrupt the save process, which would corrupt the save data, making it think your level was like 8032039 and your high score was 309320349103942 or something equally nuts. In the build we pushed this morning, that quick-restart ability has been taken out. I know, you'll have to watch the boring Results screen each time you die, but I figure that's more desirable than losing your save data. In the meantime, we're working on getting a better fix so you can still quick-restart and NOT get your data corrupted. Later tonight, in the forums I'll be posting a dropbox link to a file that you can download if this bug affected you that basically just gets you to level 4 right away, so you don't have to redo that half hour or so of leveling up to level 4 again. Also in the build - - Tuned some experience gain. You'll gain experience a little faster - Got in a quick-support fix for 16:10 resolutions (1920x1200). You shouldn't be seeing any cutoff in UI or Menus anymore. - Fixed a bug that was causing the boss to appear in the cyberpunk city too early. (Though hopefully none of you have gotten that far... otherwise I'll have to make the game EVEN HARDER) - Reordered some of the "bounties", as some of the intro bounties were boring and stupid when you're just trying to learn how to play the game. "I just got this cool game Blood Alloy - it's asking me to NOT ATTACK FOR ONE MINUTE, OH EXCITING. NOT." Once you have a really good grasp of the movement and dodge mechanics, that challenge becomes a lot more fun and doable, but right at the get go it's dumb, so I swapped some stuff around.