Game Server Toolbox Update

Game Server Toolbox

Game Server Toolbox is a utility that allows you to create and manage game servers. It has many features tailored to both basic and advanced users. It keeps server creation uniform across many games by using Server Profiles that are uploaded by the community for easy server creation.

Hello Everyone! Todays update brings some new features to the Server Control Panel along with some redesigns and fixes. See the changelog below. - Redesigned the Server Control Panel We completely redesigned the Server Control Panel to make way for some feature additions coming in the near future. It also features our upcoming light theme. We have added a resource monitor, console output, and logs to the server panel. Currently, the resource monitor displays the current resource usage for the entire system. The planned outcome for that is to only display the resource usage of the server. The console output box is for servers that have console output. We plan on hiding any server consoles that pop up after starting a server to minimize window clutter. The console output will then be redirected to that box. The log tab contains basic log entrys like if the server was started, stopped, or crashed. We plan on expanding the logging ability in the future for Game Server Toolbox Remote. - Added Server Crash Detection This is a very important feature that will be rolled out in 3 stages. This update contains the first stage of the feature. It will detect if the server has crashed and make a log entry. Right now, it is limited to only when the Server Control Panel is open, but the next stage will incorporate that monitoring system to a background process allowing the feature to work when the Server Control Panel is close. - Redesigned the Early Access Dialog We redesigned the dialog and made it only show once as we want to decrease the number of windows on startup. The dialog also features our new light theme and a new message. - Redesigned the Video Tutorial Dialog We redesigned the dialog and features our new light theme. We also fixed two issues. One, the video would still play on close, and two, the video would start in the middle rather the beginning. - Fixed error when refreshing the Server Profile List when the user had no uploaded profiles. - Fixed issue where if you had multiple servers, only the first servers settings would load in the Server Control Panel regardless of what server you selected to open. We said we would have some new server profiles coming this week and we will! We wanted to get this update out before we start uploading the Server Profiles to the community. We will post an announcement when the profiles have been uploaded. That should be in the next few days. So, what and when is the next update? As we said in the last announcement, we are going to focus on the Server Control Panel and bring more features to that in addition to uploading more Server Profiles. That update should be out in 2-3 weeks as usual if everything goes to plan. Did you know you can follow our development progress on Trello? Check it out here! That is about it for this one! Remember, if you have any questions or need help, feel free to email us a as we would be happy to help!