Game Runs Very Fast on High Refresh Monitor - Bug (and Fix!)

Desert Child

You are a hungry, young hoverbike racer who needs to get off Earth before it E-X-P-L-O-D-E-S. Hunt bounties, throw races, and do whatever you can to get to Mars and win the Grand Prix.

Hello! We're currently experiencing an issue where users with high refresh monitors will run some races insanely fast, 2-4 times the intended speed. This results in the racer crossing the finish line very quickly, and ends with a glitchy graphics, upside down world that lasts ~10 seconds or so. Essentially the game is running at very high FPS, instead of the intended 60 FPS. We hope to address this properly, but in the meantime, here are a few ways you can fix it, if experiencing this issue: 1) Run the game in Windowed mode. or 2) Drop your monitor's refresh rate to 60Hz before starting the game. Apologies for this issue, and we'll add patch notes at the point it is fixed in entirety.