Game Of The Month: September Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES | Gamehypes

Game Of The Month: September Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain


World-renowned Kojima Productions brings the Metal Gear Solid franchise to Steam with METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES. Play as the legendary hero Snake and infiltrate a Cuban military base to rescue the hostages. Can you make it out alive?

Game Of The Month returns, haunting the first Monday of the month with the answer to life’s eternal question: “I do not have time to play all of these games so which one should I pick?” There are so many worthy games that it’s hard to pick just one but in this month of September 2015, one game has dominated our waking hours with its extraordinary take on open world stealth. It’s Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain [official site].

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