Game hotfix - V1.1.2 (August 26th)

Draw Puzzle 画之谜

Draw puzzle is a casual puzzle game that is relaxing and challenging. Solving the puzzle by connecting squares with the same color and number to unlock pixel art.

August 25th Update 1.New jigsaw "Highway Blossoms" 2.Add three high difficulty modes (one color level) in Random mode 3.Adjust some levels condition according to statistics 4.Players could set the difficulty in level editor now, workshop description will show difficulty 5.Jigsaw editor adds auxiliary lines, background grid and Background color adjustment (auxiliary drawing, not actual color) 6. Upload feature has been changed to OFF by default 7.The editor “Load Png” will automatically select the last picture for making it easier to adjust the tolerance 8.Added an option to hide crown rules August 26th Update 1.Added three levels come from players 2.Added Normal / Jigsaw tags in the workshop description (Only works for new items after this update)