Game fixes

Svarog's Dream Playtest

The patch brinx about 80 different fixes, with around 20 fixing game issues and 60 fixing in-game text. [list] [*] A new round of polishing has been applied to item tooltips. [*] An option has been added to game settings to increase speed of character typing in dialogues. [*] Bug related to happened that occurred after a game reload has been fixed. [*] Bug, where losing life on a horde quest made the horde enemy, has been fixed. [*] Bug with tooltips and gold visibility during trade has been fixed. [*] Some items that were previously unavailable at the trophy trader are now buyable. [*] Bug causing dialogue text to slow down during slowed time has been fixed. [*] Players are now immune to damage during conversations. [*] A bug that allowed the initiation of a conversation during combat has been fixed. [*] Time now slows down during a conversation while an enemy is approaching. [*] Black loading screens for NPCs have been replaced with a different type of initialization. [*] Time slow has been removed from skills in boss fights dependent on music. [*] The lightning skill cast on Perun now heals him. [*] The last fight with Perun's HP has been reduced by 33%, and the music volume has been lowered. [*] Music volume on the last guardian has also been reduced. [*] Adjustments have been made to the S+ difficulty, adding more night mobs and faster events. [*] A bug where changing the animal transform to another button would not change the transform back button has been fixed. [*] Tooltips on bjes skin have been corrected. [*] Bug with recipe list tooltips having old design have been fixed. [*] Fixed bug where trader slots would be sorted in wrong order. [*] A bug causing the game to fail to load properly in cases where the player would respawn as Leshy has been fixed. [*] Animations in the first scene for machines loading the game slower have been improved. [*] After using animal form twice while the map is open, the animal will now be removed properly. [*] The icon of the sword on the island near Grad has been fixed. [*] Some item tooltips have been corrected. [*] A bug where 'feeling lucky' would cost the mana of the next spell has been addressed. [*] 41 different texts in world has been fixed thanks to @TrollZWA report. [/list] Tooltip improvements: [img][/img]