Galactic Thunderdome Closed Beta Version 0.4.0

Galactic Thunderdome Playtest

[b]Greetings, Galactic Contestants![/b] [b][u]Closed Beta Playtest - Version 0.4.0[/u][/b] Welcome back, Galactic Contestants! Thanks again to all our diligent playtesters who have contributed their valuable feedback. Version 0.4.0 brings a bunch of exciting changes, including new maps and extensive improvements to the user interface. Join our Discord community to become a playtester and gain access to the full version! [url=]Discord Link[/url] Here's what's we've gotten done for version 0.4.0: [u][b]Gameplay Changes:[/b][/u] [list] [*] Added a new map called "Junk Chute" to the rotation. [*] Reworked the blood system. [*] Tutorial rework and speed-up for smoother player experience. [*] Player corpses are now flammable post-death. [*] AI now throw items with less accuracy at lower difficulties. [*] Increased the amount of flaming methanol the Fire Bow releases by 50% (12 -> 18). [/list] [u][b]User Interface and Quality of Life Improvements:[/b][/u] [list] [*] Modified player color to clearly indicate team affiliation. [*] Fixed player teams not being conserved between rounds. [*] Fixed issue with item selector displaying incorrect player colors. [*] Added map images to the main menu for improved visual navigation. [*] Default opening page in settings changed to Game, language option. [*] Language detection bug fixed for correct language loading. [*] Added warnings in loadout menu to guide new players regarding AI count. [*] Simplified online lobby and renamed buttons for clarity. [*] Renamed the exit button in the pause menu to "Exit to Desktop" for clarity. [*] Added shake effect to loadout menu during player selection stage to indicate impatience. [*] Improved clarity in game intro menu by adding "Enter" as an alternative key prompt. [*] Added "A / Enter" prompt to player loadout menus as an alternative key prompt. [*] Player Join Menu's "A / Enter" button now transforms to just an "A" button when a keyboard player joins. [*] Loadout menu now displays the name of the selected map. [*] Changed "Game Over" to "Victory" in the menu after completing Gauntlet mode. [*] Game over menu now displays the winner. [*] Users closing Steam overlay with the escape key will no longer exit the online lobby menu. [*] Keyboard controls are now shown as default in-game loadout tips if no controllers are plugged in (controller shown otherwise). [/list] Keep the feedback coming, and together, we'll continue to refine and perfect this cosmic showdown! Thank you for being part of the Galactic Thunderdome community!