Future Updates!! (What We Do If Mutiny!! Stays)


Mutiny!! is set in a world of fantasy, and adventure. A realm where airships can sail among the clouds as well as the sea, entering the flogiston to journey to other planes. There’s treasure spread out over many planes if you’re brave or curious enough to find it!

Like our previous post, where we outlined what happens if Mutiny!! is removed from Steam. I want to say what Lupiesoft plans to do in the likelihood this fiasco is fully resolved and stays on Steam. Firstly we're going to adjust the pricing. Now Mutiny!! is a long game, several hours long in fact so when it came out, as the story gets longer, and we add DLC, we want to encourage people to get the base game so they can get the DLC. Think like 100% Orange Juice, where Mutiny!! has more of a DLC model. That DLC model will be continuously adding expansion content in the form of Adventures that are a couple hours of new story, as well as adding smaller DLC in the form of unique character routes, of existing characters, and future characters yet to be added. [b]New Features[/b] What we've seen over this week has been such a big outpouring of support, and the new reviews has given us things to think about, and I want to share some of those plans, both near future, and farther future plans. [list] [*]Custom Patch Installer [*]New Languages! (We're looking into translating to Chinese/Japanese now) [*]"Streamer Mode" turns any softcore nudity into swimsuits to let the game be streamed on Twitch [*]UI update just to increase the look of the UI as well as animations and more SFX for the minigames! [*]New minigames, existing puzzles should feel more visually interesting [*]Secret areas with optional very difficult puzzles [*]Updates to the base game as Lupiesoft becomes more skilled, we want to keep adding cool fun stuff to Mutiny!! [/list] Overall Lupiesoft will be hiring extra people in order to write for Mutiny!! faster, making new stories at a reasonable pace. Without other Lupiesoft titles slowing down anything. We have no intention of making Mutiny!! a freemium game, but something where making the DLC pays for continual development of that DLC. Thanks everyone for your support.