Future plans for Hard Work!

Hard Work

Take on the role of Mr. Gary Stuart, AKA "The Man," a skilled veteran sexual counselor - but not in the traditional way.

In case you missed the announcement from [url=https://twitter.com/matchasoftdev/status/1087815302761644032]Matchasoft[/url]: Exciting news! We're officially adding two more routes to Hard Work, [b]absolutely free[/b]! The update will have routes for Rose and President Hart, and a few other game touch-ups and extras! If you've already ordered the physical copy... don't worry! The new content will be included. -Matchasoft Now you're probably wondering what's going on with the physicals of Hard Work. Well, we've decided to delay the release of the physicals to add this new content. You can still secure your preorder for the limited edition physical copies of Hard Work! Save 10% by ordering today, release date is still TBD as the content is still in production. We appreciate all your support of Hard Work and hope you're looking forward to the new content coming soon! [h1]Links[/h1] [url=https://twitter.com/matchasoftdev]Matchasoft Twitter[/url] [url=https://denpasoft.com/collections/physical-games/products/preorder-hard-work-physical-release]Physical copy preorders[/url] [url=https://denpasoft.com/collections/vendors?q=matchasoft]All Matchasoft products on Denpasoft[/url] [url=https://www.matchasoftdev.com/]Matchasoft Website[/url] [url=https://www.matchasoftdev.com/About]About the Devs[/url] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33606647/80eef82cdfd458a7c6fdc719f42a7399528b7733.png[/img]