Full Release Announcement!

Mister Mart

Punch Customers! Return Items! Get High Scores! Enter the world of Mister Mart, and enjoy this cathartic experience of working customer service with no worry about getting fired.

Hey All! [b]It's OFFICIAL.[/b] We're leaving early access and doing a full release on [b]TUESDAY, AUGUST 28th, 2018[/b]. [u]Here's what you can expect:[/u] [list] [*]Vive Support (FINALLY) [*]Global Leaderboards: Make it to the top 5 to have your name visible to all in the office! [*]Achievements: We've got 31 sweet achievements for you! [*]More Polish: The game is visually more polished both in the office and store, and the ramping is tweaked. [*]More donuts! [*]A couple more items you can return. [/list] Thanks for all the support! We've decided to not add more levels/environments at this time, as we want to focus on a new project. Please let us know your critiques, bug finds, comments and compliments in the discussions! And leave us a review! Talk to you all soon, Karen & Cole <3 [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/28065543/07489f2fc81c281e4cd8fc755e73c1dd38e1b07b.png[/img]