Full Dead Horizon adventure game longer demo thing now playable!

Dead Horizon: Origin

Most people never get a shot at making a difference. If you did... would you miss? -- Dead Horizon is a short and dirty point and click western themed adventure game that's also completely free.

[h1]Full Dead Horizon adventure game demo now playable![/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30096761/a2a10103690f4e083dbd3d33cc63e3cfe3ab7336.png[/img] Greetings fellow shootists! Over the years a lot of people have told me that if there was a more fleshed out version of this game they would love to play it. Something with you know... more... game in it. While this game came out about exactly as I wanted it, one way or another, I'll admit, I have been working on a more fleshed out version of this game for a few years. The demo was supposed to be shown off in the steamfest this week, but... Well, I am also sometimes an idiot. I messed up the submission process twice so instead... the demo is going to be available next week! I'll have my OWN Steamfest! It won't have blackjack or hookers but it will have the (Still slightly janky) demo for Dead Horizon: The Longer Version! A full adventure game with point and click stuff going on. An inventory. It includes... [list] [*]The ability to talk to people. [*]The ability to shoot people. [*]An inventory. [*]A lot of niche and optional content most people will never see because sometimes late at night I can't sleep and I just go write long conversations [*]The ability to look at things and get descriptions of them! [*]No voice acting! [*] Being slightly unfinished. SFX especially need a touch more work. [*]An obvious representation of my psyche an world view in video game form. [*]A weird sci0fi western setting that seems to be a normal western setting at first but if you read way too many of the buried look ats you realize 'wait what?!' and then you are like 'oh, okay' and then you're like 'huh, maybe he should have made this more obvious?' [*]Years of blood and sweat soaked into the code and pixels in a desperate attempt to hold onto my nostalgia of the 90s. [*]Ability to shoot someone's hat off their head. [*]Pixel art that is really really keeno! [*]Play as a drunk! [*]Freak people out by pulling your gun out randomly mid conversation. [*]Um... there's other stuff. I think. [/list] It's something you can check out right now over here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1368540/Dead_Horizon/ Eventually this game will probably get named something lame like Dead Horizon: Origins. Or Dead Horizon: The first game I made a long time ago but calling the other one Dead Horizon 2 feels weird. The demo will be up and playable for a week or so. Feel free to play it, wishlist it, tell people about it, make fun of it, hate it, or whatever. I mean, I can't control you. You seem like an independent and smart minded person if you've reading this update, and you know what? I trust you. You'll probably get what I'm trying to build here. Feel free to tell me if I am missing the mark! This is a demo meaning that feedback at this stage is fantabulous. I hope all of you find what you are looking for out in the shifting sands. -Always Matthew Ritter [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30096761/5e473b27631d0473976bce71ff1aeccb564ce1e8.png[/img]