Fugue in Void now on Banantic!

Fugue in Void

A walking sim in which you can explore all kinds of mysterious places and dive into a world full of atmosphere. Let this experience unfold in your head. Let it inspire you.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33143261/ba7816d94e105d4e32f109eb0dd1d78e79c46045.png[/img] [h1]FUGUE IN VOID ON BANANATIC[/h1] We are VERY excited to announce that Fugue in Void has been added to the Bananatic website! If you haven't heard of Bananatic, its a website where you can connect with gamers and earn rewards while playing games! They also host various events and giveaways. bananatic(DOT)com/games/fugue-in-void-334/ [h1]NEWS[/h1] EXCITING NEWS ALERT!!! Developer, Moshe Linke, is working on a new project! More details coming soon ~ Stay tuned!