Frogman Magmaborn demo update & progress report

Frogman Magmaborn

A story-based rogue-like strategy RPG. Discover story and characters each run, battle in diverse hand-crafted maps, and edit everything with the dedicated modding tool!

Hello, everyone! We've been working on Frogman Magmaborn for the past few months, and decided to slightly rewrite the first part of the game, which includes the demo. We've also added a few new improvements & features - like fade transitions between most screens and new editors to Frog Forge. Today, we've updated the demo to reflect those changes. Save data should remain compatible (although you should probably restart the game anyway, as the plot might not make much sense without the new early-game conversations), but existing Frog Forge mods might not work properly anymore. In general, we don't recommend making complex mods using the demo - Frog Forge is mostly there for you to experiment with at the moment. As for the full version - we've recently finished level 8, out of the planned 10. We're hoping to finish the game in the next few months. However, we can't guarantee a concrete release date yet. Hope you enjoy the updated demo!