FreshWomen - Season 2 Episode 3 Part 2, Forbidden Fantasy - Chapter 4 and New Releases

FreshWomen - Season 1

FreshWomen is a choice-driven adult Visual Novel focusing on the best parts of life. Become a freshman attending Minerva Bay College, romance girls and solve a mysterious incident. Your journey will be filled with comedy, drama, and lots of sex.

[url=][img][/img][/url] Hello, my dear FreshMen! What a great week we had! This week we made a lot of progress in Season 2 Episode 3 Part 2, increased our animation numbers and got ready for our next releases. Watch release: FreshWomen - Season 2 Episode 3 Part 2 is coming soon, and here’s our progress so far: [list] [*] Blocking: DONE!; [*] Lighting: 6 scenes done, 2 in progress, 0 to go; [*] Facial Expression: 7 scene done, 1 in progress, 0 to go; [*] Cloth Simulation and Polish: 3 scenes done, 3 in progress, 2 to go; [*] Animations: 27 animations in tertiary movement and polish!; [*] Characters, Script and Storyboards are done! [*] Voice Acting is done! [/list] We’re making steady progress, and will be ready to announce a final release date soon. This week, we also implemented a new squish feature to the skin of our characters, and this’ll give a slight bump in realism too. FreshWomen - Season 2 Episode 3 Part 2 will have a full sex scene with Devilla, and will be a feast for all our Devilla fans out there! She wasn’t featured in a sex scene since episode 3, and I know you missed her. I did too! In other news, Forbidden Fantasy - Chapter 4 is coming STRONG, and I hope you’re ready! I sat down with our production team, scriptwriter and animator, and together we planned our next sex scene. With clever planing, we managed to increase our animation output by A LOT. It’ll be one of our best scenes yet! Packed FULL of animations, hot dialogue and plenty of variety! Our partner program at also had some amazing releases these past few days! Here are our staff picks for this week: Life in Santa County: Westview Academy: Young Again - Season 1 (FREE GAME): Watch release: Enjoy! This semester was awesome, and we’ve got a lot to be grateful for. Our productivity is going up, our sales number too, we expanded our team, our games got better and is growing so fast! Honestly, I get pretty amazed to see how far we’ve come in such a short time! And that’s all thanks to you! Without your feedbacks and support, none of this would be possible. So thank you, for being with us, for supporting us, and for loving our games! It’s a pleasure and an honor for me to create these games with you! Next semester will be even better! We’ll be even faster, develop new tech, and our games will come to Steam! I can’t wait! Watch release: See you soon, f1r3 [list] [/list] [url=]Comment now[/url] Want to keep up with all the releases, news and updates? Access now: [url=][/url]