Free Demo out!

Dears Friends o/ We're so happy to announce that the FREE DEMO is OUT! The Boxlings are waiting for you in Boxling's Square for a ride through the world of Pile Up. It can be played from 1 to 4 players locally and you can try Steam's Remote Play together to play online. For that, you just need to [olist] [*]download the Demo [*]launch the game [*]once in the level press Shift+Tab (avoid doing that while in[img][/img] the menus of the game) [*]find your friends, click their names and select "Invite to Remote Play Together" [*]Everyone press Input, and you'll be there!! [/olist] [b]This DEMO is only playable with a Gamepad![/b] Enjoy, have fun, and don't hesitate to send us feeback so we can improve the game. Carry on! [i]- Seed by Seed Team[/i]