FREE DEMO available now! ⚔️Let's fight for the Sanctree

Guardians of the Sanctree

You and allies, avian inhabitants of Sanctree City, build structures and production lines on the tree, crafting weapons to fend off subterranean insects. Defense is just the start—dig deeper, destroy nests, fortify new defenses against escalating threats for an impregnable stronghold.

Hello Guardians! ✨ After one year and seven months of development, we are thrilled to finally release our official DEMO today! To make this demo the best it can be, we almost completely rewrote the game's architecture between March and April this year. This decision certainly carried risks and posed a huge challenge for us, but thanks to the support of our players, this version has successfully come to fruition.🥳🥳 First and foremost, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the players who participated in the Playtest. Your companionship in our development and bug-fixing process has been invaluable. We have carefully read each of your comments and suggestions. We've worked tirelessly to implement as many changes as possible, and [b]we believe that this demo will provide a better experience than any previous version.[/b] [b]📢This demo includes approximately 2 hours of gameplay, which constitutes about 10% of the entire game. [/b]Your progress will stop after defeating the first bugs nest, but you will still be able to roam freely in the game without triggering new quests. The exact playtime will depend on your personal pace and play style. Through this demo, you will get a glimpse into the basic gameplays of survival, base-building, crafting, research, combat, logistics, and exploration in [b]"Guardians of the Sanctree"[/b]. [b]The current version may still have some bugs, we are eager to collect player feedback to improve the game as quickly as possible.[/b] Please stay tuned for more gameplay and maps in the full version game. Your adventure in Sanctree is far from over! [b]Changelist from the Playtest to Demo (We have only selected a few very important points.):[/b] [b]【Something New】[/b] Increased the logic for NPCs' casual wandering around. Added speech bubbles for NPCs. Introduced the upgrade system for buildings. Redid the tutorial system. [b]【Bug Fix】[/b] fix: crash when using transportCenter fix: workers & soldiers' dying anim fix: crash when saving with a unbuilt building fix:add world settings fix: worktable now can craft building item fix: carrier can now take toolbox correctly fix: crash when loading Fix: Right-click repair function of the building hammer. Fix: Issue where the line displayed by the NPC assignment button would freeze after the second assignment. Fix: Error when establishing transport routes in the logistics center. Fix: Error when NPCs work in the logistics center. Fix: Traps not affecting enemies. Fix: Players unable to see others' weapons and equipment in multiplayer. Fix: "Another player is interacting with this building" message appearing in single-player mode. Fix: Added detailed information to the top bar. Fix: Reservation slots can no longer be manually filled with items. Fix: Items can now be used while being picked up by the mouse. Fix: Added a 0.45-second cooldown to the sound effect for buildings taking damage. Fix: Display digging targets. Fix: Error when NPCs try to eat after constructing a box in the main dimension. Fix: sort items would empty the backpack. Fix: occasional client errors. Fix: the handbook could not be opened. Fix: buildings without ground would regenerate health. Fix: Adjusted the mouse cursor size and the position of items on the cursor. Fix: minimap can display players, enemies, workers, and soldiers now Fix: add error and crash feedback ui fix: workers would not pick up toolboxes/drink/food fix: error sunset when other player join fix: now buff can be correctly added after eating Fix: The crafting list was not saved. Fix: Monsters would permanently turn red after being hit. Fix: Decorations disappeared. Fix: Error in reading decoration table for non-host players. Fix: Error when dragging the wooden crate UI. Fix: Any player entering a dimension would move all players' cameras into the dimension. fix: worktable cannot work after load fix: crash when enter the portal fix: some wrong audios Fix: Auto-save was not working. Fix: Issue where loading a save during a bug hatchery wave would cause an error and freeze. Fix: Issue where assigning workers to the city gate would cause an crash. Fix: Issue where loading a save with a sequence error would cause an error and freeze. Fix: Players would not die. Fix: Black screen and continuous character fall errors after loading a save. Fix: Lack of blackout during loading. Fix: Stuck damage prompts on city gates. Fix: Bugs clustering at a specific location. Fix: Green outline on interactive buildings. Fix: Some UI layer issues. Fix: Errors in the logistics center. Fix: Some UI elements could not be dragged. Fix: Players would not automatically regenerate health when not hungry. Fix: In the multiplayer levels, an error occurs and corrupts the save file when picking up eggs (except for owl eggs)(A new save file needs to be created.) Fix:Adjusting the sound effect volume is not working. Fix:Esc can't open settings [h2][b]Thank you for supporting us! Please share your any thoughts with us through this survey or mail us.(Bug reports are welcome too).[/b] [b][url= ]Survey Link[/url] []E-mail[/url][/b][/h2] [b]Also, please join our Discord channel to engage in deep discussions with us. And if you enjoy the game, don't forget to add it to your Steam wishlist![/b] If you're interested in the Sanctree, follow us on social media for more content! [b]🐤[url=]Join our Discord[/url] 🦜[url=]Follow our X[/url] 🕊️[url=]Follow my personal Reddit[/url][/b]