Fortified patch is now live!


Fortified is an explosive strategy shooter where players will defend the Earth against a menacing Martian invasion in the 1950s. Play as one-of-four pulp inspired heroes as they fight swarms of terrifying robots with an arsenal of Cold War era weapons and experimental technology.

[img][/img] Changes: [list] [*]Text chat during multiplayer (Beta feature) [*]Option for turning off motion blur [*]Support for kicking players during a game [*]Support muting players during a game [*]Fix for assigning arrow keys as input [*]Fix visual errors on Direct3D 10 video cards [/list] Known Issues: [list] [*]Text chat does not work in the lobby [*]Grainy visuals when Anti Aliasing is set higher than Medium on Direct3D 10 video cards [/list] [b]Note that you will need to be running the latest version of the game (this patch) to play multiplayer[/b]