Forspoken follows the journey of Frey, a young New Yorker transported to the beautiful and cruel land of Athia. In search of a way home, Frey must use her newfound magical abilities to traverse sprawling landscapes and battle monstrous creatures.
Patch Notes
Graphic Updates:
・Implemented the needed updates required to have the game compatible to AMD's FidelityFX™ Super Resolution 3.
*FidelityFX™ Super Resolution 3 combines temporal upscaling and frame generation to deliver significantly higher performance.
*Frame generation is enabled separately from upscaling and is available when using AMD Radeon™ RX 5000 Series and higher, NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 20 Series and higher, and Intel® Arc™ 7 Series and higher GPUs. (Upscaling is still available to use on GPUs lower that the products mentioned.)
・Added a new NativeAA quality mode option.
*Native AA mode does not apply upscaling but applies high-quality anti-aliasing and sharpening.
・Added Frame Generation entry to the Graphics section of the menu.
Technical Issues:
・Fixed an issue where the main game save data appears in the DLC's save data slot and the DLC save data appears in the main game's save data slot. (Steam version)
*This fix only applies to newly created save data.
Known Issues:
・Low frame rates can be experienced on some 240Hz and higher refresh rate monitors, when FSR3 Frame Generation is set to ON and VSync is set to ON.
*To remediate this issue, make sure you are using the latest drivers from your video card manufacturer. You can also set VSync to OFF, or set your monitor refresh rate to less than 240Hz.