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Dungeon Rushers

A Heroic-Parody tactical RPG combining dungeon crawler’s gameplay and turn-based fights. Dive in an off-beat universe, manage your team and craft mighty gear to equip them! Build your own dungeon by hiding traps and monsters in your galleries, then challenge other players to clean it!

Hello rushers! We are happy to launch our Steam Dev Page! You can now follow us at this url: [url=][/url] [img][/img] [b][u] Why is it usefull to follow us?[/u][/b] [list] [*]You will receive notifications when we release a new RPG/Strategy game! [*] It's a great support for indie developers. When we need to negociate with a publisher or a distributor, when we need a featuring from Steam, it's one of the number they will look! [*]The discovery queue will propose you a better selection of games [/list]