Flock of the Low God Phase II

Flock of the Low God

Immerse yourself in the terrifying world of “Malum” as you fight to protect the Lanford Police station from the vicious “Flock of the Low God." A single-player VR horror experience where you gather clues, defend the station, and defeat a blood-thirsty cult!

Hello! Thank you for your feedback, notes and consideration on the initial version of [i]Flock of the Low God. [/i] Releasing a VR game on Early Access is certainly an eye opening experience and our aim is to constantly improve and update the game so it evolves over time to be the best it can be. Our goal was always to release a VR horror game that could set a standard for being entertaining, scary, fun and shocking. We love the world of the film [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CegntUX8kRE][i]Malum[/i][/url] and the potential for expanding the mythology of the creepy cult of "The Flock," led by John Malum. This said, our initial version left [u]much to be desired[/u] and we're making the following adjustments: [list] [*] We've completely overhauled our lighting systems to give a creepier and more atmospheric look to the game that matches the film. [*] We've moved away from physics-based enemies in order to improve animations and combat interactions. [*] Rather than "yet another wave shooter," we've moved to a more narrative, campaign style game for our initial release. This game will play more into horror elements and the mythology of the cult itself. [*] We've taken great care to recreate sections of the film and put lots of detail into the design of the spaces. [*] We are adding multiple chapters of gameplay in this early access version to get further feedback. [*] Rather than being multiplayer horror, the next edition of the game will focus more on a single-player campaign. [*] We've massively altered our approach to character design. We've created some really creepy members of the Flock to bump into in the Lanford PD station [/list] We expect to roll out these changes in the coming weeks and will provide updates along the way. Thanks again for the support! TRC Dev Team