FIXES, QOL AND MORE! | Grocery Store Simulator v1.1

Grocery Store Simulator

Run your own grocery store. Scan items, hire employees, place and stock shelves, set prices, order products, manage your warehouse, and customize your store. Play solo or team up with friends in a 4 player co-op mode to expand your business in this first-person game.

[h2][ NEW ][/h2] [list] [*] Added Christmas decorations. [*] "Cleanup" command now includes employees picking up boxes from the ground and bringing them to shelves. [*] You can now use the computer to set if employees should only return boxes to shelves that have matching labels (Employees --> Settings). [*] Objects that fell out of bounds will now spawn back in the parking lot. [*] Text will now be displayed when looking at a label showing the stored item name. [*] Total number of items in cart and bulk preset will now be displayed in the computer. [/list] [h2][ FIXES ][/h2] [list] [*] Fixed throwing strength being affected by FPS. [*] Fixed employees sometimes missing the dumpster when throwing out boxes. [*] Fixed not being able to place flags on Store Size 1. [*] Fixed actions information box staying after selling the forklift. [*] Fixed guitar sounds not being affected by SFX settings. [*] Pallets and boxes will no longer be able to be pushed far into the truck. [/list] [h2][ TRANSLATIONS ][/h2] [list] [*] Added correct German translations. [*] Fixed price not being shown on Russian translation. [/list] [h2][ PERFORMANCE ][/h2] [list] [*] Scene optimizations. [/list]