FITS: Prologue Update (February 8th)

Fights in Tight Spaces (Prologue)

Play the first mission of Fights in Tight Spaces for free! A stylish blend of deck-building, turn-based tactics, and thrilling fight sequences in action-movie settings. Learn to balance your hand, momentum, and positioning to overcome the odds to defeat your adversaries. Full game OUT NOW.

[u]Prologue Update[/u] Thanks to everyone who has played the FITS Prologue. We've had some amazing feedback, and we really appreciate all your reviews and messages. In response to some of that, we've updated a few aspects of the game. Including the UI so enemy attacks and intents are a bit clearer, there's updated music, and less music repetition on long levels (and for those of you who like to take your time). Biggest news is that the default replay system now shows you the whole fight, and there's a couple of other options to play with (some of which are work-in-progress, but we wanted to show the direction we were taking this area of the game in). - New, clearer UI - Updated music tracks - New replay system! - Events are a bit clearer and balanced a little more in the player's favour - Lots of smaller fixes and updates We've also announced that [b]FITS is coming to Steam Early Access on February 24th[/b], so if you haven't already wish listed the game, we'd love you to do so so you get notified the second that it is released.