Fist Combat, Slingshots and FREE Demo Next Week!

Prison Life 2

Play as a Prisoner or a Guard with up to 12 players(or alone) in an online prison game. Loot, Craft, and make your way to the exit, or investigate and arrest wanted players as a guard!

In recent time I added a lot of things to Prison Life 2 as we are getting close to release, prisoners will have craftable weapons(melee and ranged) to fight off the guards if needed. [h3]The demo will start on Feb 6th and will last a week[/h3] [list] [*]You will be able to choose your skin color. [*]Punches will consume stamina. [*]If you punch anyone near a guard you will become wanted. [*]Slingshots will be craftable and there will be 2 versions - wooden and metal - metal will have more uses and will do more damage. [*]Many cool visual effects and sounds that improve the feel of the game! [/list] [h1]Watch the videos with soundːsteamhappyː[/h1] [previewyoutube=tBNCHFmNTrM;leftthumb][/previewyoutube][previewyoutube=egCJ65BA4rY;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42858153/cfa02e70b6305d66ac2945ad77c245c1d7eb091a.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42858153/093ec4ecee7c91843c60668167f29222f2f4eb0f.png[/img] [h1][url=]Wishlist the game and play the demo on the store page! [/url][/h1] To get daily updates join the [url=]discord[/url] or follow us on [url=]youtube[/url] or [url=]tiktok[/url] Let me know if you have ideas for prison weapons with ways to craft them!(no sharp weapons 🙂 ) (also added recoil for using the taser and a little bit for the shovels)