First Update is live!

Space Hulk: Tactics

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers.

[img][/img] Dear all, It’s been a week since we deployed Space Hulk: Tactics’ Pre-Order Beta. Thank you for all your feedback and support! We’ve taken into consideration your reports and suggestions to provide a better experience, optimize and balance the gameplay. We’re happy to deploy [b]today a new update based on your feedback, including gameplay balance, winrate system and bugfixes. Please find below the details.[/b] [b]Gameplay balance:[/b] [list] [*] One additional action point for every card when converted [*] Terminator AI updated on Khitor [*] Rebalancing the level design of three maps to reduce the differences between Terminator and Genestealer [list] [*] [b]Osulas[/b] - Reducing the spawn ability considering the “Limited blips” rule. [*] [b]Eratrius[/b] - Removing the “No bluff” rule (a 26% decrease in the number of Genestealers) [*] [b]Darakin[/b] - Removing the “Countless” rule (a 50% decrease in the number of Genestealers) [/list] [/list] [b]Winrate system:[/b] [b]Old System[/b] [list] [*] Percentages shown in the winrate system would include every game played (against AI, games left after only two turns, even disconnections). [/list] [b]New System[/b] [list] [*] Reset the winrate percentage using a new algorithm to be closer to real records. [*] The winrate will now only take PvP maps, ranked matches and skirmish into account. [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a crash that would occur at launch [*] Fixed a bug that would prevent the card Persistence (+4 AP on a pawn) from activating [*] Fixed a graphical glitch with emblems on Powerfists [*] Fixed an issue with missing icons in the log when using the warp bubble [*] Fixed a case where Genestealers would spawn with Terminator customization elements [*] Fixed a missing animation when a Reaperfex or Bulwark attacking a Terminator would result is a draw [*] Tweaked visuals on the disengage Genestealer botton [*] Polished log texts [*] Added feedback on the Genestealers affected by the Neurotoxin special rule [*] The card Feeding Frenzy (+2 dice to a genestealer, then die) now clearly states that it cannot be activated on Biomorphic Genestealers [*] Added transparency to overwatch overlay [*] Improved Terminator AI [*] Fixed several issues that would lead to crashes [*] Fixed typos in various texts and languages [/list] We look forward to your feedback about this new update for the Beta. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about what you play, and as always please let us know if you encounter any technical issues. [i]Space Hulk: Tactics Team[/i]