First trailer!

Upwards, Lonely Robot

Simple to play but difficult to master, Upwards, Lonely Robot combines addictive ‘one more go’ gameplay with quirky and endearing art direction and an intriguingly cryptic story to bring you a gaming experience unlike any other.

In case you weren't a aware, we have released the first Upwards, Lonely Robot trailer. It's on the store page but also on YouTube at the following address It gives a hint at what the story of our Lonely Robot might be or could be [spoiler] don't worry, no spoilers ;) [/spoiler] and hopefully you get the first feel of what the game play has to offer. The most appealing thing about this game that we have heard from the press/YouTubers and Streamers is that the controls are solid. Honestly as a developer we are gregariously pleased to hear feed back such as this, but it also hopefully can transfer to you guys understanding the feel of the game. Let us know what you like or dislike about our trailer so that we can make a really nice one for the final release on March the 10th this year. Thanks guys and girls :) :acbutterfly: