First Major(-ish) Update Coming!

The Painter's Playground

For creation and collection aficionados, The Painter’s Playground offers a game-based sandbox to craft and collect 2D artwork and share it with the online community. Strive to either be the buzz of the arthouse as a creator of sought-after works, or own the most coveted collection - or both!

Hello TPP community! Ryan & I have been having a wonderful time seeing all your art, and talking with you about how we can improve the experience. The first sizable update is coming this Thursday 2/22/18. It will *not* contain new tools, those will take longer, and it won't have any really huge game-changing things, but here is what is [b]*already done*[/b] [h1]Fixed:[/h1] [list] [*]Cleared up a bug that was causing improper displays in the leaderboards. [*]Cleared up an even more insidious bug that was giving everyone the wrong number of "thumbs given". [/list] [h1]Changed:[/h1] [list] [*]Zoom level has been increased. [*]The base calculated price of paintings has been slightly decreased. [*]You can now set the prices of your paintings *lower*, as has been requested. [/list] [h1]Noticed:[/h1] [list] [*]Something I put in a long time ago, and forgot about... when you're in the Harbor, you can press 'S' on the keyboard to see which paintings *you* are selling. You can also press 'W' to see which paintings you are showcasing. I'm not sure whether this will be developed further, removed, or left alone. [/list] [h1]Added:[/h1] [list] [*]There is now an "Are you sure" pop-up window when flagging a painting [*][b]You can now click on an artist's name in the Harbor or Community gallery, and see all their public paintings.[/b] [*]You can now use the TAB key to scroll through your favorite colors, in addition to the existing 1,2,3,4,5,6 hotkeys [*]Press SHIFT while painting to save your work in progress. This happens automatically occasionally, but better safe than sorry ;) [*]There is now a "folder" button in the lower right in Your Private Gallery. This opens the media folder on your computer where your local paintings are stored, to make it easy to share your work with the world. [*]So please share your work with the world: twitter, instagram, deviant art, facebook, etc. [/list] [h1]Started:[/h1] [list] [*]Looking deeper into achievement tracking, due to player reports. [/list] So keep those great ideas coming, and all that wonderful artwork too! Bob / IBOL17