First Game Update

A Week In The Cold

Traverse the cold slippery ice by sliding and skating while trying to avoid both pesky penguins and ghostly wolves. All the while moving between campfires trying to stay warm.

The first update for A Week In The Cold is here. It contains bug fixes, minor tweaks, quality of life changes and an overhaul of the movement upon snow. [b]Movement on snow[/b] The movement when on snow felt clunky and sometimes irritating when you couldn't choose the direction properly. It has now been remade to allow for finer control of direction while still giving the sensation of walking on ice. [b]Changes and Additions[/b] [list] [*] Changes to the dialogue. [*] Added more lines during the levels. [*] Tips added when choosing day or night. [*] You can now skip most dialogues. [*] The day number is now displayed at the start of the level. [*] You are now told when and where the game saves. [*] Added colliders to campfires. [*] Minor tweaks to the levels. [*] Added confirmation to pressing exit etc. [/list] [b]Bug fixes[/b] [list] [*] There is now a limit to how slow you can slide on ice, no more getting stuck. [*] Nighttime should now reduce the amount of animals on the level. [*] Fixed a bug where the wolf does not disappear after reaching the player. [*] Wolves will now collide with each other. [*] Pressing a button during tutorial will now register after said tutorial. [*] Campfires are no longer hidden by snow. [*] You are now properly returned to the start menu after finishing the game. [*] Fixed issue with gaining speed boost when leaving snow. [*] Player should no longer spawn at campfire lying down. [/list]