G.O.P.O.T.A 2

Don't you keep the kid's word?!

Greetings to everyone who plays our game! We are releasing the first patch, in which we have made the following changes: 1. Completely redesigned the character controls. But because of this we had to remove the mirror and Selfie function. Added the ability to run on Shift, but you can no longer crouch. If you press Shift twice and hold, the character starts to run even faster. [h3]We recommend starting the game again because the character has been changed.[/h3]. 2. Added the ability to switch the version of DirectX in the game settings: there is support for DirectX 11 and DirectX 12. If someone has low FPS, you can turn off the virtual shadows in the graphics settings, as well as Anti-Aliasing Method can be set to TAA instead of the standard TSR. And also you can additionally enable VSYNC (vertical synchronization). 3. Increased the jump height a little bit. 4. Now if you drink vodka HP will increase by a greater value. 5. Fixed a bug with throwing while smoking: now, while we smoke, you can not throw a snowball. 6. Other small changes and improvements.