first announcement

A Hero's Quest pt1

A Hero's Quest pt 1 Fulfill the role of a Hero and join this cast of misfits in stopping evil and saving the world, but what will happen to them. Will they save the world or will they be stopped?

Oh man, where do I even start I sincerely apologize for this, as it has been quite some time since I officially released this. I made no announcements or anything about it. I'll admit it. I didn't know what I was doing. I'm just a dumb man who jumped headfirst into this without knowing what to do exactly, but anyway, I wish to thank everyone who has bought it I know that over 20 sales is a bit of an odd milestone to celebrate, but well, it kind of gave me a bit of faith in myself, so thank you everyone who has purchased it. I'll start looking into making Part 2. I know it's a bit odd to make when only so little has sold and I'm not really sure what people think of it, but I'm going to keep trying and making the game that people will enjoy playing. Yours Andrew