[h3]As we approach the official release, we’re excited to announce that everything is now finalized. Get ready to sharpen your skills, because the upcoming game modes available at launch will be [b]Multiplayer Versus (1vs1)[/b] and [b]Multiplayer Cooperative (1+1 vs AI)[/b].[/h3]
[h3]What’s New in This Update:[/h3][list]
[*][b]Touchscreen Support:[/b] You can now enjoy full touchscreen functionality.
[*][b]Scene Updates & Balancing:[/b] Multiple scenes have been updated and rebalanced for better gameplay.
[*][b]Skirmish Mode Warning:[/b] A new alert will notify you if you attempt to start Skirmish mode without any spells equipped.
[*][b]Unit Videos in Army Camp:[/b] Watch your units in action with new videos available in the army camp.
[*][b]Boss Improvements:[/b] Fixed boss attack cancellations and rebalanced their difficulty for a more engaging challenge.
[*][b]Customization:[/b] Your selected colors are now saved automatically.
[*][b]Visual Upgrades:[/b] Decals have been replaced with a new system, and trails and particle render orders have been refined.
[*][b]Enhanced performance:[/b] Improvements to ensure smoother gameplay and faster load times.
[*][b]Environmental Updates:[/b] Removed underwater vegetation to enhance performance.
[*][b]Cinematic Additions:[/b][list]
[*]Visualize army cinematics directly from the camp.
[*]Enjoy the new boss ending cinematics, everytime you defeat any boss.[/list]
[*][b]Gameplay Tweaks:[/b][list]
[*]Karts now halt when captured by enemies.
[*]Chest retrieval mechanics have been revised for specific scenarios.
[*]Improved arrow sticking for more realistic interactions.
[*]Reworked pathfinding costs for navigating through and around buildings, both intact and destroyed.[/list]
[*][b]Bug Fixes:[/b][list]
[*]Various achievements have been corrected.
[*]Spells on top of buildings are now functioning as intended.
[*]Resolved issues with specific spells, including Trojan Horse, Galleon, and Barrels.
[*]Relic fixes, including adjustments to Ghost Area, Wolf Cloak, and Ancilia.[/list]
[*][b]Audio & Visual Enhancements:[/b][list]
[*]Credits audio now respects master volume settings.
[*]Simplified Fireflight light effects for better performance.
[*]Campaign markers have been resized and modified for improved clarity.[/list][/list]
This will likely be the final update before the official launch, so dive in and explore these changes as you prepare for the big day!