Furry Shakespeare: Dreamin' of One Lazy Dead Midsummer

Enter a summer camp for the next generation of horror icons! Fun is mandatory. Survival is not.

[img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/33017070/c8c9a233ccc485ee927d11d7f3a3e057558cd41d.jpg[/img] https://store.steampowered.com/app/3245540/Tentacle_Prawn_Actually_A_Cthulhu_Dating_Sim_New_Game_Benefits_HD/?beta=0 Our final DLC of the year! Embark on a new journey to right the wrongs of the past, and make sure that weird, nasty time loop from the base campaign of Tentacle Prawn never happen(ed)s (again). Featuring five new part members and a brand new storyline! Innsmouth is set to fall, because if it didn't, that would be kind of counter-productive and a debbie downer ending, but how it does and what happens AFTER is in your hands!