Final release candidate 1/18/2022

Empire of Ember

Become a battlemage, build a city, and command your troops in this fantasy warfare simulator. Jump into the fray and use your might, magic, and wits to fight enemies in battles of up to a hundred units and fully destructible city siege combat. The fate of an empire is in your hands.

This release contains a month of gameplay balancing and minor bug fixes. As long as no major issues are found this will be the final version for the 1.0 release. [list] [*] Overall player weapon and monster health balancing [*] Sieges are more likely to occur [*] The game is substantially easier early on [*] Balanced building costs for build mode [*] Destroyed buildings in siege combat remain destroyed [*] It's easier for the player to find weapons to buy from markets [*] Necromancers and summoners now summon correctly [/list]