Filament Bug Fixes & Updates - 24th April 2020


Solve challenging cable-based puzzles and uncover what really happened to the crew of The Alabaster. Now with Hint System (for those ultra tricky puzzles).

First of all: Thank you to those who told us about these game bugs & reported them to us on both here on Steam community & on [url=]Discord. [/url] You make our cosmic game that much better by doing so, so thank you! So here's our Filament Hotfix for 24/04/2020: - Fixed the rare bug that yeets player into space. - Fixed the cable that wasn't lighting up in requisite 8. - Fixed the options menu not correctly detecting resolution. - Fixed the terminal not unlocking when tabbing out as terminal launches. - Fixed the terminal transparency sorting issue. - Fixed the log numbers displaying wrong in different languages. - Fixed the issue with Opus 3 anchor not begin accessible after using ladder. - Fixed the issue getting stuck behind anchor in medbay. - Fixed the collision on requisite 5. - Archways now make a noise when you pass through them. - Fixed the visual issues in living room. - Fixed the visual issues in kitchen. - Fixed the archways not closing an already open door when you overload them. - Fixed the wrapping pillars not closing an already open door when you overload them. - Fixed formatting issues in messages when viewing in Japanese. Speak to you soon, Operatives!