Fight fires for fun and profit in this unpredictable and frantic multiplayer game. Team up with friends, take on daily challenges and climb to the top of the corporate firefighting ladder. More than one way to become a hero!
[b]How Did Embr Come About? [/b]
With Embr, we set out to do something few have tried. We wanted to make an action oriented firefighting game, with a focus on teamwork, tactical planning, and execution. But along the way we found the fun we were looking for, in something a little more... unique.
One Friday afternoon at the office we were throwing around ideas, until we hit “it’s Uber for firefighting”. From that moment, all the pieces fell into place. Satire became the glue that held this little firefighting project together. Watching your friend throw a “client” from a building, only to miss the rescue trampoline by a few inches was no longer tragic and depressing, it was now tragic and hilarious. We had found the heart of Embr.
[b]What to Look Forward to? [/b]
As a team of Embr Respondrs - private firefighters working gigs for Embr - you rush into a burning building full of deadly and dangerous hazards. Fire burns around you, destroying everything valuable in sight, eating oxygen and moisture as it goes. But it’s not your only risk. You have to keep your eyes open for dangerous gas leaks, electrical shocks, deadly explosions, and security systems gone haywire. But fighting fire won’t earn you a cent if you don’t keep your clients happy! Make sure to earn your 5 star ratings, and you’ll have enough cash to buy new tools, get a new fireproof jacket, and get the most advanced and experimental upgrades on the market. Keep that rating up, and you’ll unlock access to other gigs, from demolition, to salvage, to the next frontier of food delivery! Embr, firefighting for fun and profit!
Come for a quick buck and laugh off the burn marks with your friends, or take on the challenge to become the richest Respondr on the block. Fire is a fickle force to fight. Ignore it, and your building will be destroyed before you know it. Lose track of a little flame and it can grow out of control. Learn its tricks though, and you’ll be saving dozens of clients at a time, keeping the fire at bay while leaving exit routes quick and clear.
[b]How Much Content is There? [/b]
Since our first launch into Early Access, we’ve been adding content, features, upgrades, costumes, gamemodes, dangerous corporate competitors, and more! At release, Embr now features:
[*] 27 levels featuring 10 game modes
[*] 22 gameplay changing tools along with 81 upgrades
[*] 75 wearables with various tradeoffs and specialties
[*] 41 Vehicle upgrades
[*] 29 Achievements
With the release of Embr, you can also play with your friends on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Stadia online in the same match.
So get out there and start saving lives with Embr today!