Embark on a great Dadventure in this unique comedy, story-based 2D platformer. Raise your child to become the weapon they were always meant to be.
Hello everyone,
The FemDad update is now live for all of you to enjoy.
We are excited for everyone to play our new character this Father's day.
Here are the full list of changes for this build
[h1][b]Change Log[/b][/h1]
[*]Brand new FemDad character
[*]New Toys and toy effects
[*]New HUD art
[*]New pause menu
[*]Sparkly Gravel
[*]Level Up Buildings are back!
[*]No more EXP! Gravel is king
[*]New levelling system
[*]Restore health points with gravel
[*]Summoning changes
[*]Environment art polish
[*]New cut scenes
[h1][b]Additional Notes[/b][/h1]
[*]Old save data sadly will not work with the new update, this is mainly because of the changes to the EXP system and gravel system. It is best to start a fresh save and even give the new FemDad a go while you are at it.
[*]There are plans to rework the current Tutorial in the new future to make things easier to understand and to explain the game mechanics is the best way possible
Thank you all again for your continued support, if you do have any feedback or queries please feel free to use the forum.