Felt Tip Circus -- Released!

Felt Tip Circus

Welcome to the smallest show on Earth! The lights are bright. The tension, real. The audience, demanding, even if they are made of wood. Now it’s your turn to compete in the greatest contest of skill ever to grace the miniature world of toys, trinkets and plain old junk!

Step right up, good sirs and madams, and enter the most virtual of realities! Throw a hail of deadly implements whilst leaving innocent bystanders unharmed. Launch critters this way and that with the power of your good right arm. Tame savage beasts and become their master. Balance your life upon the thinnest of wires and let the balls fall where they may. Hone your artistry alone or destroy your friends by superior skill in a grand contest of up to 4 players! There is no other spectacle quite like this one. Get in the spotlight and give them hell!