One night, Leslie finds himself at a small town train station, completely lost in the memories of his past. As he explores his past, he makes friends, but... Who are they really? Who is lying and who is telling the truth? And is it true that everyone in our world is entitled to a second chance?
Hello everyone!
In today's update, we took a few steps towards unifying the game client and prepared it for porting to android. Yes, you heard right! We've been working on the game port for a long time, and at the moment we've solved all (we hope) the problems that confronted us. The game will soon be ported to android, so that you can enjoy it anywhere!
Among other things, in today's update:
[*] Fixed a bug due to which during the fight, Sam's right hand was perceived by the game as the left.
[*] Fixed many typos in the Russian version of the game
[*] Fixed some mistakes in the English version of the game
[*] Credits reworked. Now we are using a new, more convenient and less resource-intensive way to display 'em on the screen.
[*] Fixed freezing titles error, now it should disappear completely.
[*] Reduced the size of the game client.
[*] This update began to do long ago, so that something could not get on the list.