Feb 9th Patch

Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi

Escape from “Yomi” – a dungeon filled with riches – and danger. Make use of your powerful skills and magic items to create exits and reach the surface alive.

Changes in EN/JP Builds [list] [*] Corrected text alignment in logs and help menus. [*] Various controller and keyboard glyph corrections. [*] While Windows 7 is [u]not[/u] an officially supported platform (see Minimum Requirements on the Store Page), [b]we [u]fixed[/u] an issue where end of credits would freeze for Windows 7 users[/b]. In essence, [url=https://forum.unity.com/threads/player-crash-when-playing-video-on-windows-7-machines.542114/]Windows 7 can't handle h264 encoding[/url], so the solution was to use vp8 encoding. [/list] Changes in EN Build [list] [*] Quest Logs now detail full history of quest. [/list] We hope our [url=https://media1.tenor.com/images/88b9219dee67dcd72201f336956988d3/tenor.gif]Windows 7 users[/url] are able to enjoy the game without further issue.