Features Buffet vol. 2 - The SPCU of the Truck 🍔🔤

Food Truck Empire

Food Truck Empire is an economic strategy/tycoon game where you manage your own fast-growing Food Truck enterprise. Compose your dishes, automatize their production, customize your trucks and research new tech - all to serve even the pickiest customers. The world of flavor is yours to conquer!

[h1]Guten tag, Emperors! 👋[/h1] For this Features Buffet, we have decided to look closer at the trucks in Food Truck Empire Early Access. We are going inside those trucks to be more precise. [b]Every mobile kitchen needs proper equipment and good work organization to prosper, so we are here to help you with the SPCU! 🤓 [/b] __________________________________________________________________ Today, we want to explain each and every piece of furniture that can be put inside the truck along with their technical functionalities inside your truck. [u][b]Since this game will be releasing first in Early Access, we will be possibly updating the game with more dishes, so that means more equipment as well. It will vary depending on your feedback to the game as well! [/b][/u] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/ebb36b306579679f0b5b64c6576d48c3f00fd30e.png[/img] We will be going[b] category by category, piece by piece[/b] in the[b] SPCU order[/b] [i](we really tried to come up with a better acronym but we failed - so SPCU it is 🤦‍♂️)[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/27a4d299c89c972191eda3d3711bfcaa1fd46425.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/b2be1fdb6c27ff641356425d6a035f116c2febeb.png[/img] [b]In the Storage category, we have all the equipment needed to well… store the required ingredients for your particular dishes.[/b] As in real life, some produce like meat and dairy has to be kept in fridges while others are just fine on their own in cupboards and containers. [i]By the way, is your fridge still running? If yes then…[/i] Anyway, in [b]Food Truck Empire [/b][u]for now[/u] we have: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/94d12bb4e0199104879c0bc0ec62b0ee771a3781.png[/img] [h3]⭐ [b]Small Container[/b] ⭐[/h3] A wooden container used for storing products such as grains, fresh vegetables or baked goods. It may look small, but it fits [u][b]A LOT[/b][/u]. [h3]⭐ [b]Medium Container [/b] ⭐[/h3] The same function as the small container, just takes up 2 spaces. [b]Buy 1, get 1 free (not really)[/b]! [h3]⭐ [b]Low fridge[/b] ⭐[/h3] Works very similarly to a small container, only it is used to store products that need a cold temperature, such as meats, cheeses and milk. [i]Ain’t nothing going bad in your kitchen. [/i] [h3]⭐ [b]Tall fridge[/b] ⭐[/h3] Identical function to the low fridge, but T A L L E R. Can store up to 2 types of ingredients. Takes up the same amount of space despite being longer overall. Did the inventor of this tall boi just slapped 2 low fridges on top of each other and called it a day? [i]We may never know… [/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/7ea8c34b46b3a5400b463cbe1418fc309c80364f.png[/img] Once our products and ingredients are safely stored in either containers or fridges,[b] we can start the preparation process. [/b]Depending on your chosen dish, you may need one piece of equipment or another. No real need for a blender when you are serving Sushi. [i]Unless you just want a blender… it’s not illegal or anything, we won’t call the police. [/i] Once we release the game in Early Access, we will want to add more of Preparation furniture, but in the current state we have: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/67032c0e7e070a2cc0958151d4b490a51cd2134a.png[/img] [h3]⭐ [b]Crumbs & Herbs Breading Station[/b] ⭐[/h3] If you want your customers to eat and leave no crumbs, you need to prepare your food accordingly. This station is used to make, for example, your patties’ potential go from meh to awesome in just one magic click. [h3]⭐ [b]Cut-Loose Knife Station[/b] ⭐[/h3] … do we have to explain this one? You have a sharp knife, a cutting board and a great mission - to cut like there’s no tomorrow. Beware of fingers - health insurance not included! [h3]⭐ [b]John Basic’s Workstation[/b] ⭐[/h3] This is your bread and butter - if you want your patties formed correctly before being put on the grill, you learn how to use this workstation. It has more uses of course, but you will have to discover them on your own. [i]Who is John and why is he basic? [/i]Beats us. [h3]⭐ [b]Blending Processing Station[/b] ⭐[/h3] [i]WHHHIIIRRR[/i]… sorry can’t hear… [i]WHHIIIRRR[/i] Ah, there, finally - a worthy kitchen utensil. No, but seriously - this piece of equipment will be useful for many things such as mashing up meat to create the best patties in the city! Again, please beware of your fingers… [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/519ae010ad85abd5c3b30c8e483142806d7bed49.png[/img] The most vital component of any mobile kitchen is [b]a place to cook the food[/b].[i] Duh.[/i] There are many, and I mean MANY, ways you can heat up your food in Food Truck Empire, so let’s go through them together. [b]DISCLAIMER: [/b]We will be adding more equipment with Early Access and beyond, so be ready for some Pizza Ovens and Fryers along the way as well :) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/0432e4ac45b27ca96910288218a32834a51d54d6.png[/img] [h3]⭐ [b]Adventure Oven[/b] ⭐[/h3] It’s just a microwave with extra steps, what did you expect? It can actually do a lot more - bake a fish, a bun or some vegetables? Sure thing! Don’t underestimate this equipment, it can save your business’ life! [h3]⭐ [b]Journeyman Grill[/b] ⭐[/h3] A single space simple Grill that does its job. Slap on a meaty or veggie patty and it’s grilling time, Emperor. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/d6b874f20b8c409e78350fb9a1ffce70822991f4.png[/img] Okay, your food is ready - [u][i]now what?[/i][/u][b] Well, you need those few extra pieces of furniture to make your truck interior truly remarkable. [/b] As in with every other category, we want to update this along with Early Access in the future by adding, for example, Fire alarms and more, but for now we have: [h3]⭐ [b]Countertops [/b] ⭐[/h3] Apologies, we have completely forgotten to mention countertops yet - silly us! Anything that needs to be put on a table of some sort, like an Adventure Oven or a Cut-Loose Knife Station, will require you to buy a special countertop of your choosing. [b]There are 2 options: A and B.[/b] No, we’re not joking - these are the names, deal with it. A is more rustic while B has a more modern sleek. [i]Moving on…[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/2d787319456de56a6d516328c5fa7d2b5db107f3.png[/img] [h3]⭐ [b]Serving Counter[/b] ⭐[/h3] Once your food is hot and ready, then [b]you need a way to give it to your customers[/b]. That’s where the Serving Counters come to play! You have 2 options - a single counter with a cash register or a more expensive version taking up two spaces with drinks on the side. Whatever you choose, you will be looking for spare change anyway, so don’t dwell too much on this. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/714091f525c87b696661d49d244fbbb81bd19f66.png[/img] [h3]⭐ [b]Tools[/b] ⭐[/h3] You may want to boost your reviews a bit more or just add some spice to the interior design of the truck. [b]Well, tools would be perfect for the job. [/b]You have plenty of options - a special Seasoning station with all the spices needed to increase the overall quality of your meals or maybe a one-armed Joe Magnetic Knife Strip for all your cutting needs. You have plenty of options, so take your time! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41968945/42e1a6876800128db4c85d19613c13174320e1c0.png[/img] _________________________________________________________________ That would be all for now, Emperors. [b]You knew your ABCs and now you know the SPCUs as well![/b] The inside of the truck is not so difficult to understand anymore, is it? As mentioned before, we would love to add more dishes and thus equipment later down the line in Early Access. We have a lot of ideas to implement, but we want to focus on delivering the best Early Access build first and then? Sky's the limit! [b]If you have any questions regarding this post or Food Truck Empire in general - let us know below in the comments.[/b] [h3]Stay über awesome ❤️ ❤️ ❤️[/h3] [h1]🌟Wishlist NOW!🌟[/h1] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1872970/Food_Truck_Empire/ [h2]Join us on our Social Media:[/h2] [url=https://discord.gg/xDdRwQP4Mz]Discord [/url] [url=https://twitter.com/lichthundstudio?lang=en]Twitter[/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/Lichthund/]Facebook[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/@lichthund1948/videos]Youtube[/url]