Fatermyth is now available in English!


"Fatermyth" is an RPG game that combines tabletop role-playing and adventure. The storylines of seven characters from different eras intertwine, depicting an epic of human heroes. The strategic battles with dice + skills add more challenges to the adventure.

Version Update 1.0.1 for Fate: This version update may cause players currently in-game to experience crashes, which is a normal occurrence. If players encounter this issue, updating the game to V1.0.0 and verifying the game integrity should allow them to play normally. Update Content: [olist] [*] Side quest "Tiger Stick Chicken" adjustment: now only requires successful completion once to pass. [b]Please note![/b] The alpha English version of Fatermyth is now live! This is an initial English release, and there may be some text overflow and bugs with mixed languages in the storyline. However, this won't affect the main gameplay. We will address these issues in future updates. Thank you for your support! [*] Vice-captain Jiaoxin's subplot options adjustment at Jingfang: now only requires choosing the correct option to pass. [*] Added English version: now you can enjoy the game in English! [/olist] Fixes: [olist] [*] Fixed issues with incorrect equipment descriptions. [*] Fixed issues with some equipment effects not taking effect. [*] Added automatic save points in free dungeons. [*] Corrected typos in the text. [/olist]