Fat[EX] Courier Simulator - Devlog #74 "Now for a breather..."

Fat[EX] Courier Simulator

In the game FatEx Courier Simulator, you play as a courier for special tasks. You will have to deliver many parcels, despite all adversities.

[h1]Hello Couriers! [/h1] [h2]With so many changes happening during last few weeks we feel that our courier deserves a little break...[/h2] Have you ever wondered what is our courier doing after his shift is over? Or... whether he ever ends his shift? Perhaps he is constantly at work, always making sure that the deliveries are going smoothly and without a hitch? While we believe that he would be more than capable of doing so we still think that he needs to catch a breather from time to time. Just... destress, refuel his energy tanks and then come back at it with triple the usual power! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33238425/81698f1185d59b6e114f74d329689147aec29d84.png[/img] The truck neatly parked next to the door signifies that he is finally getting his well-deserved rest. Perhaps after a short nap he will then go to the park for a short stroll or to a nearby cafe to grab himself some coffee? On his free time he is after all allowed to do anything he wants! What do you think our courier is doing after his job? As we do our best to enhance the game graphically we believe that he will have many different areas to visit and recuperate! And what is more - in future you can expect more place to visit and explore! After all as we said previously - the city always changes! [i]Let us know about your ideas for the way our courier can rest - he might use some of them![/i] Best regards, Fat[EX] Courier Simulator Team [url=https://discord.gg/WWDM2Bx][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/3275740acc70c627275e89ee73f2cec9575f4e27.png[/img][/url] https://store.steampowered.com/app/904850/FatEX_Courier_Simulator/