Fake Reviews


Immerse yourself in a true VR Horror game. Explore and experience a fully immersive world as you embark on an ghostly adventure unlike anything you have played before. Come face-to-face with terror itself as you look for your missing sister.

Hello everyone, As some of you may be aware, there has been accusations put forward of us creating fake reviews to boost the games rating score. This accusation is completely false, and we would like to stress that no person working for this company has, or ever will create fake reviews. We respect Valve, and the digital platform they have created (Steam) on which we can sell our games to persons all around the World. We would never want to hinder this. Steam is part of our livelihood. Without it, we would not be able to continue making games, or to put 'food on the table'. We have been in contact with Valve, and they have all the information that we can gather relating to this issue. In due time, I'm sure they will post something regarding this matter. Thank for for taking the time to read this, and in you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at info@deceptive-games.com Many thanks Deceptive Games