Ezerath Mini Release

Ezerath's Last Hope

An action packed, beat em' up RPG with an open world for you to explore with over 40 areas, 9 different dungeons, 14 side quests, over 150 items to collect, multiple classes of combat, and various different mechanics to get stronger. You can play Ezerath's Last Hope with up to 8 friends!

[h3]What is Ezerath Mini?[/h3] Ezerath Mini will run through the areas of Ezerath's Last hope using a side scroll format. Playing Ezerath Mini should provide an experience that is more simple and will take less time to grind through the game. [h3]When will Ezerath Mini be completed?[/h3] The DLC is already currently in development, I plan on releasing it as soon as its completed; This should be some point in February, but it might take a little longer. [h3]Side Notes.[/h3] I originally planned to only release 1 DLC for the game, Ezerath Plus; I still do not plan on adding any extra DLC that effect the gameplay of Ezerath's Last Hope. I have decided however that some DLC that are spin-offs of the main game, that exists in unique worlds that are not a part of the main game, with their own save files, are acceptable to develop without stepping on the toes of people who have already purchased Ezerath Plus for an expansion of the main game. Any DLC developed in the future will purely be spin-offs. I do not want any new DLC's to be essential to experience all that Ezerath's World has to offer. I will still be updating the main game, and Ezerath Plus. I don't want DLC development to become a priority; Ezerath Plus will remain the largest and the most expensive DLC. Lastly, if you have any questions or concerns, please leave a comment, I will respond to all questions/comments.