Extra time and extra rewards for the Winter Animation Competition!

Clone Drone in the Danger Zone

Clone Drone in the Danger Zone is a robot voxel slice-em-up where any part of your body can be sliced off. With your mind downloaded into a robot gladiator, you must survive the sinister trials of the arena.

Hello Humans! A few of you have mentioned that you'd like more time to finish your animations for the competition! We want to make sure the competition is fair and fun for everyone so nobody has to rush. That's why [h2]we're changing the end date of the competition to January the 25th![/h2] This should give everyone lots more time to finish. If you'd like to start an animation, check out our tutorials on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az-vqwRkY_0 and you can download the 3D models from Clone Drone here: https://clonedroneinthedangerzone.com/3d-models/ When you've finished, send the link to your video or Steam workshop level to us using this link: https://inj5jehpdl0.typeform.com/to/rhh7h5yK or you can email josh@doborog.com [h1]Emotes![/h1] In previous competitions we have also give out emote rewards to winners and anyone who enters the competition so it's only fair that we continue to do that! Everyone who enters an animation into the competition will get the special "Rest in Pieces" Emote! The winners will get the "Good Luck, Have fun" Emote! Good luck animating! The Doborog Team