[Experimental] Release 33

Bot Maker For Discord

The most up-to-date Discord bot maker. Hassle-free, easy to use, a visual delight.

[h1]in order to receive this update, you have to use the experimental build of the app![/h1] NOTE: Most of this update is design-related [h1]Changes[/h1] Let's all welcome a new design language: StudioUI 2! [u][i]Why the redesign?[/i][/u] - The app provided a very poor experience for low-contrast monitors / colorblind users. - The old design language didn't provide a proper reaction to interaction. - The old design was generally inconsistent. Let's see what's new: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/bf47a172385fa8c761962e30025e628ce57c513a.png[/img] [i](top image: new, bottom image: old)[/i] - Commands within folders are now marked with a simple bar at the left - easily allowing for multiple commands inside one singular folder! - Elements occupy all the space of the container - Command symbols are contained in an indicator box (you're going to see a trend) The same design language applies to actions too, but the changes aren't as noticeable: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/83eb195304f101e29b5b4fc58af1dc212dc28802.png[/img] Now, let's move on to interaction reactions a bit - this was seriously changed. STATE:Normal [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/e0053f2879f9f0e561846584cb0b5b722deb66a8.png[/img] STATE:Hover [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/36d8525390859d1ed3320153dee08ed751648e62.png[/img] Element grows a border inside of itself, element text moves to the right. STATE:Active [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/417039ef9b42946ef3ed50167a3887139a236f48.png[/img] Element maintains border, but uses accent color. This is not seeable in the provided example, but the accent color can be a different color other than white. Currently, the accent is not settable from within the app, but that's a planned feature. STATE:Selected [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/0594da1e51e534cd4fb3ae76cd992e7ac83ad160.png[/img] Element indicator receives scale-up, whilst element itself slightly glows, element text slightly moves to the right. Let's take a look at the command info pane. Notice what's changed? [i]Current[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/59b99f628b8926bd989096081cea5ca458019d35.png[/img] [i]Old[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/950f21ef204b44811694fd2c0a52207b2dd30d0f.png[/img] It's become less bulky! It also adapted parts of the new design language (where it could). Moving on to parameters, they were also redesigned (& new functionality was added too!) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/d9ee8a62ba71c9b11f64e8ff652fb6dab3015004.png[/img] Parameters adapted the current design language. Not only, but now they have either a "?" or a "!" inside the indicator box to show if they're required or optional! Also, you can also use the up/down arrow keys to browse parameters & del to delete one. I also updated right-click menu animations to further feel more consistent with the rest of the app [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/6cba144c0b3585e865adc8a0db46f778dfd32747.gif[/img] Variable insertion was also updated - but not just visually [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/b7c55e2eb859ebddf013e41f17c4a89ed8f1e229.png[/img] It also has a better, non case-sensitive, whitespace-ignorant search algorithm. Updated action search - with the one crucial feature I didn't add. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/6b977b2309c5dda2b429419b31987d9c40ce7ca8.png[/img] You can now use the up/down arrow keys and enter to select an action you searched for! An outline will be placed around the action you searched. The action window was also darkened [i]Current[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/477409bdf7ecb5d89dcd158c1bd88b04d1855cb0.png[/img] [i]Old[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/08a1968c6c8418ec2c20ab48f37dc0b1ca38dac1.png[/img] Toggles were also updated (again) [i]Current[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/f7fc26351c37808238011ae57f6e8e8c8e3f1338.gif[/img] [i]Old[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/5a3e25783528abaffba535286388e5d16f65650c.gif[/img] Not only has their animation changed, they got smaller (therefore allowing for more content) [h2]Say hello to search! (again)[/h2] Search was first introduced back in October - just a while after the app launched. Search was very basic, though! Now, search can run automations (more about these later) & look for commands/events and actions. Not to add, search was also redesigned to further match the design language of this app [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/ab1bbd90a12e7339c251a62ae7abd13067cf42b1.png[/img] The animations were also updated: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/1e3ff87b473787f4dc414f3d396fbdf3d18d1583.gif[/img] [h2]Send Message update options[/h2] Remember when edit message was a separate action? When it was merged into send message, the "Don't Edit" feature was taken away - but it's made a comeback! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44618873/239ffd85f5169cb1f42266544763898757b11bb3.png[/img] [h2]Other Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Set Bot Activity received a "Streaming" option [*] Added a boost event [*] Fixed lag in permissions editor [*] Get Message Info > Content on message commands returning undefined has been fixed [/list] The redesigns don't stop here - but I'm just waiting for user feedback.