Experience a different type of horror...

Daymare: 1998

DAYMARE: 1998 is a third-person survival horror game that recreates the mood of iconic titles from the '90s, with a fresh storyline. An incident that turns a small town into a deadly zone, three characters to play with and little time to find the truth, before its mutated citizens abruptly end your mission.

For those who experienced it first-hand, World War II was a horror to live through that many never got over. This is what we're exploring in our newest brutally accurate, mature game - War Mongrels. Just letting you know that we prepared a special bundle for Daymare and War Mongrels with an [b]extra discount[/b]. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/23228/Daymare1998_meets_War_Mongrels_Gore_Special_Deal/