Exapunks hacks its way out of early access, GIF d for bragging rights


The year is 1997. You used to be a hacker, but now you have the phage. You made a deal: one hack, one dose. There’s nothing left to lose… except your life.

If there’s three things Zachlikes have become known for, it’s programming-inspired puzzling, histograms and animated victory recordings to gloat over on Twitter – now Exapunks has all three. After a brief tour of early access, grungy retro-cyberpunk hacking sim Exapunks is free to rampage across the internet. While no patch notes have rolled out for the official version 1.0 release, a patch a few days ago introduced the animated victory GIFs we all know and love, displaying scores and EXA movements, although not the code within.
