Evoluship (0.1.1) - Geral Improvements


Control gravity to overcome obstacles and traps Larger stages, collectibles, skins, leaderboards and more. Buy now and start your rage quits!

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1937180/EvoluShip/ First we want to thank everyone who has given suggestions for improvements to the game. We focused on turning your feedback into concrete things in the game in this update! [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/41245716/fcebb2c3394cc22f280f670c9ca74fc64a0ff4f0.png[/img] [b]News:[/b] [list][*]Automated Language Selection; [*]Pause menu; [*]Volume adjustment option; [*]Shake adjustment option; [*]Language switch option; [*]Full screen option; [*]Control menu by keyboard; [*]Change in the E.V.O. system; [*]Visual damage feedback.[/list] [b]Adjustments:[/b] [list][*] Number in upgrades; [*] Price adjustments; [*] Dialog tweaks.[/list] [b]Corrections:[/b] [list][*] Fixed crash on Missile Cannon and Plasma Missile weapons; [*] Fullscreen pointer issue fixed; [*] Speed ​​upgrade fix.[/list]