Everyone's talking about Moons of Madness!

Moons of Madness

Moons of Madness is a first-person, story-driven cosmic horror game where the scientific exploration of Mars meets the supernatural dread of Lovecraft.

Come, blow out the candles, Shane... Watch fans and streamers have a blast with one of the scares in Moons of Madness: [i](viewer discretion is advised) [/i] [previewyoutube=bKi36XJQvGQ;full][/previewyoutube] What are the critics saying about Moons of Madness? [h1][b][url=https://www.gameshedge.com/review-moons-of-madness/]GamesHedge.com[/url][/b][/h1] "Moons of Madness combines two of the best settings for any horror title, Mars and Lovecraftian Horror. During the calm, Moons of Madness plays like an excellent exploration game while during the horror bits, nothing will stop the madness from tearing you from limb to limb." 8.9/10 [h1][b][url=https://www.gamespew.com/2019/10/moons-of-madness-review/]GameSpew.com[/url][/b][/h1] "Moons of Madness is a wonderfully chilling outing that blends horror and sci-fi to excellent effect, delivering a palpable sense of dread." 8/10 [h1][b][url=https://www.pcinvasion.com/moons-of-madness-review-fly-me-to-the-moons/]PCInvasion.com[/url][/b][/h1] "[...]Moons of Madness‘ story is very strong. The writing and dialogue are both excellent, and the plot kept me invested for its entire runtime." 8/10