[EVENT] GAMESCOM 2024 @ Cologne Fair | Trailer 1.5 Reveal


UNYIELDER is an intense Single-Player Boss-rush Movement FPS with an absurd and exploitable Rogue-Looter. Assemble your Arsenal of Destruction, Smash your way through Antarctica, Face your own Final Boss.

[h1]GAMESCOM 2024[/h1] [h2]We are headed to Gamescom 2024 in Cologne, armed with a NEW Trailer! [/h2][i]Check it out here: [/i] [previewyoutube=Xyz-YCy5EH8;full][/previewyoutube] [h2] BEAT THE DEMO with more than 200,000 score and Receive a UNYIELDER T-SHIRT! [/h2] [b]ENGAGE:[/b] MONOLITH, [i]Menace of the sky[/i] OR SWEEPER, [i]the Hurricane Tank [/i] in a [i]secret[/i], final challenge! [b]Achieve a score of 200,000 or more and be rewarded with an [url=https://x.com/SHUEISHA_GAMES/status/1826228230589653414]UNYIELDER T-shirt[/url] [i](While Stock Lasts!)[/i][/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43796707/887dadf41bae8301efea17c225b7bfd96e7cacfa.jpg[/img] Gear Up, Give it your best shot, [i]NEVER YIELD![/i] Wed, 21 Aug 2024 – Mon, 25 Aug 2024 [b]Hall 10.2[/b], Home of Indies Shueisha Games Booth [b]E010g – D011g[/b] [h2]WISHLIST: [/h2] https://store.steampowered.com/app/789940/UNYIELDER/ [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43796707/2bd3072cb24bc57ed0f9f5050f1a7efd014ae48d.png[/img] [h2][url=https://twitter.com/TrueWorldGames] FOLLOW US ON TWITTER [/url][/h2] [h2][url=https://shueisha-games.com/en/games/unyielder/] SHUEISHA GAMES : UNYIELDER OFFICIAL PAGE [/url][/h2] ~ Trueworld Games team <3